Roller shutters
Our products for windows - Stolmar, BydgoszczRoller shutters are an essential element of additional home equipment and offer a number of comfortable benefits. The most important of these include: protection against temperature fluctuations, acoustic insulation, privacy protection, compatibility, and wide possibility od adaptaion.
The variety of forms and materials used in the production of roller shutters give a wide range of possible usage (single-family houses, apartment buildings, commercial facilities). A wide offer of color variations for roller shutters causes (regardless of their utility functions) that they are important decorative element of modern buildings.
Roller shutter system

The product is designed to use in new buildings or the existing ones. One of the many important functions of roller shutters is their resistance to weather condition and guarantee od effective protection against intrusions. Roller shutters are available in a wide range of colors thank to which they can be a decorative element in the design of the building. Control of shutters depends on the client’s expectations and takes place by using an electric drive or manually.
Detailed information on these roller shutters in Bydgoszcz are available in here (in polish).
Incorporated Roller Blinds

Detailed information about these roller shutters available in Bydgoszcz you can find here.
Top-mounted roller shutters system

The unique design allows you to hide the forehead of the box at any finishing material of the building. Visible elements of roller shutters are available in a wide color palette, which provides the ability to match the windows or facades. Control of shutters depends on the client’s expectations takes place by using an electric drive or manual action.
Find detailed information on roller shutters are available in Bydgoszcz.
Color range of shutters
Roller shutters as an additional protection in many situations
The most important functions of the roller shutters are protection from heating up the rooms in the summer months and at the same time avoiding heat loss from inside the building in winter days. They also provide protection against burglary and reduce the level of noise from outside.
General characteristics of roller shutters
Thanks to its functionality roller shutters are an integral part of modern construction techniques. They provide perfect protection against weather conditions, such as the sun and the associated heat, wind, rain, snow and any other atmospheric phenomena.
In addition, they are a product that provides excellent thermal insulation of the building, which on warm summer days prevents too much sunlight into the large rooms and also protecti them against heating up. In winter however, the insulation works the other way, contributing to significantly higher savings of thermal energy used to heat the building.
Roller shutters in for windows significantly increase the sound insulation, in noticeably way reducing the level of loud sounds coming from the outside. They provide comfort and privacy significantly influence the sense of security of residents.
Each type of roller shutters is so good obstacle to be overcome by any intruder that significantly delays the time of burglary, but it is worth to point out that to meet the parameters of a typical burglar, their design should be adequately strengthened; further solid mounting them in a wall of the building is also very important condition. The basic elements of every shutters are as follows:
- case of roller shutter (box and guides)
- manual or electric drive,
- armor of shutter.
Regardless of the type and the particular system which as roller shutters in Bydgoszcz, it is possible to use armor, which is made of PVC material or from aluminum. Additionally, each rolling shutter can be provided with a mosquito net.
The benefits of external roller blinds in the summer
The windows consist of most of the glass so they let in up to 80% of the sunlight that act upon them, leading to too much sun in room during hot summer days. However, using roller shutters, you can very easily eliminate the undesirable effect.
In contrast to the much cheaper internal blinds, external blinds reflect the sun’s rays before they reach the window, so it does not heat and does not impact the room. So we can safely assume the thesis that finally in the summer using external blinds we can feel the positive aspects in the form of shade and coolness in the rooms.
Benefits of external blinds in winter
As everyone knows, windows, whether standard ones or the more roof-type, are a major source of heat loss in a building. According to various calculations, this value is determined in the range of 15 to 30%. However, using the roller shutters it can be a very easy and effective to reduce the unfavorable process. In fact, it works so that between the window and armor mounted shutters arises space, which in common parlance can be called airbag. Through this process it is created an additional layer of insulation. As the final result the energy required to heat the building can be up to 30% lower than in the case of not having external roller shutters.
Roller shutters as burglary protection
Modern times are associated with the fact that very often we hear about cases of intrusion into buildings, even the closest neighbors. Thieves usually try to get home through windows. While relatively recently bars were considered as the best protection, today the safety of material goods and residents during their absence guard burglar windows, roller shutters and alarms.
And although any produced windows isn’t resisant to balancing it, the longer the thief must overcome the defeat of these safeguards, the greater is the chance that they would discourage or simply gets noticed. It is the roller shutter the first and often the most time consuming part of which he has to overcome. So they give you very much comfort and sense of security.
Types of roller shutters
1. Window roller shutters
In this model, the case is made of PVC material together with the inspection cover located on the back or bottom of the box. The box, however, is applied to the window and with it mounted in the window bay. There is a possibility of different variants of development, also with buildings total. Can be used as well in new buildings as in the modernization of existing buildings.
2. Top mounted roller shutters
This model is made from aluminumg with inspection cover, which is attached to the front of the shutter box. Box is mounted on the wall or in a window bay. There are no installation options. They are used in new construction and the modernization of existing buildings.
3. Adaptation roller shutters
Characterized by a case made of aluminum with inspection cover located on the bottom of the shutter box. Box is mounted in front of the window, in the earlier properly prepared bay located in the lintel. Building exterior is necessary. Applicable only to new construction.
4. RKS roller shutters
In this roller case is made of a ceramic material or PVC reinforced with wire arms. The box is mounted in place of the window lintel. Buildings total required, apply only to new construction.